Initiated an innovative series of 26 animated shorts to present moral teachings in a contemporary and engaging format. Each animation in this series blends timeless wisdom with modern storytelling, creating content that resonates with a wide audience. This endeavor, undertaken during my association with Animwood, highlights the church's dedication to spreading uplifting messages and marks a significant contribution to the field of animation, showcasing the power of creative storytelling in illuminating traditional values."
Exploring the vast array of geographically, ethnically, and culturally diverse characters was an extensive journey of research and fact-checking. Ensuring historical accuracy and plausibility on screen required countless hours of dedicated study, aiming to present each character with authenticity and respect.
Delving into this animation pushed the boundaries of traditional production processes, encouraging a broader and more nuanced perspective. It was an opportunity to elevate scripting techniques to the realm of sophisticated storytelling, stepping beyond the usual comfort zones.
Intricate animations demand a detailed, frame-by-frame approach, where the magic lies in the subtleties of movement and expression. Ensuring that each frame is meticulously crafted allows for scenes that are vibrant and dynamic, far beyond mere motion across a stage.
The development phase of the animation hinged critically on the design and animation of characters. Marrying in-depth experience in character creation with a combination of rigged and frame-by-frame techniques proved to be a pivotal and effective strategy in bringing this project to fruition.
Client: Crossroad Church
Directed by Animwood
Sebastian Komorowski
Maciek Butscher
Maja Krajewska
Paweł Granatowski(lead)
Wiktoria Gnat
Olga Przytuła
Maja Krajewska
Denis Frolov
Sebastian Komorowski
Agnieszka Zbudniewek
Martyna Pianka
Paweł Białas
Iza Łukaszek
Julka Knapik
Ruben Dantas
Martyna Pianka
Giorgio Riolo